Mindset Map
Let’s get started right away…
Snag this FREE workshop!
How to go from unmotivated to action - without overwhelm or feeling down on yourself.
After this 45 minute training can by creating your our Movement Mindset Map…..
       You’ll have a clear and inspired plan to move forward - that you feel great about.

Why do you need a
Movement-Medicine Mindset Map?
I’m Olivia Chadwick, Mental performance
Coach and Exercise Physiologist.
Having worked in the fields of sports, fitness, and clinical exercise for 17+ years, I’ve navigated a lot of trends.
While everyone might be sharing the latest hacks to improve fitness or optimize performance, the reality is most of us need help getting started and staying motivated.Getting started may seem simple but if that was actually true there would be more people being active, and they’re not.
That’s why you need a Movement Mindset Map, so you can get crystal clear on what’s holding you back and find the precise solutions needed to move forward.

The Movement-Medicine
Mindset Map gives you:
- The 3 best mindset tools to inspire you to take action
- A clear picture of why taking action is so important right now and reveals the single most biggest threat preventing us from doing it.
- A roadmap that breaks down complex action into easy and manageable tasks

Mindset Map
Last Chance!